A is for Abbreviations
Explore the Abbreviations Used in Common Core
B is for Basics
Explore the basic shifts in both Mathematics and ELA
C is for Common Core
Download and Print the Common Core Standards for your Grade Level

6/30/2012 07:10:54 am

I can honestly say that I feel very prepared. After putting together the 4th grade ELA pacing guide I understand how important it will be for everyone to become very familiar with their unpacking document...you will still be teaching many of the same standards but common more is more concise, allowing us to dig deeper. For example, we were able to schedule all skills & strategies (literacy) for numerous weeks PER semester...not counting how often skills and strategies naturally overlap. The key will be the teacher - he or she must take the time to REVIEW and keep themselves "in the know" or they will easily get LOST. Hmm, that certainly doesn't sound like something that could happen? :-)

Kristin Jackson
6/30/2012 10:12:25 am

On that note the Unpacking Standards can be found at the link above!


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